
The provisions of this policy apply to all public data and information - non-confidential or protected - produced by the Watani platform, whatever their source, form, or nature, including paper records, information stored on a computer, audio or video tapes, maps, photographs, manuscripts or documents. Handwritten, or any form of recorded information.

What is open data?

It is data available to all visitors to the Watani platform, which aims to enhance participation and raise the level of knowledge. Visitors to the platform and beneficiaries of its services should review the policy of using that data to know any updates made on it, and it should be noted that all open data available on the Watani platform is not-for-profit.

The third principle: the novelty of the data

The latest version of Open Data Sets is published on a regular basis and made available to everyone as soon as it becomes available. The collected data is also published by the Watani platform as soon as possible after its collection - whenever possible - and priority is given to data that becomes less useful over time.

Fourth principle: inclusion

Watani platform is committed to ensuring that open data sets are comprehensive to include as many details as possible and to reflect the recorded data in a manner that does not conflict with the privacy policy and the protection of personal data. How to extract or calculate data.

Principle Five: Non-discrimination

The center is committed to making data sets available to everyone without discrimination

Principle Seven: Licensing Open Data in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Open data is subject to a license that defines the legal basis for the use of open data, as well as the terms, obligations, and restrictions imposed on the user, and the use of open data indicates acceptance of the license terms.

Principle Eight: Developing a governance model and involving everyone

Open data enables access and participation for all enhances transparency and accountability of entities, supports decision-making, and provides services.

The ninth principle: comprehensive development and innovation

Commit to playing an active role in promoting the reuse of open data and providing the necessary supporting resources and expertise, and working in integration among the concerned parties to enable the next generation of innovators in the field of open data and to involve individuals, institutions and everyone in general in unleashing the capabilities of open data.

Open Data users

The center allows platform users to view open data, and they have the right to use this data at their own risk, and this right is guaranteed to all beneficiaries and is provided free of charge.

Data Users Responsibility

The open data user is responsible for reusing the data on the Watani platform, and the reuse of this data should not result in any errors related to the content, source, and date of the data.

Center Responsibility

The National Center for Measuring the Performance of Public Institutions is not responsible for any damage or misuse of the entities as a result of using this data published on the Watani platform, and the Center does not guarantee the continuity of the availability of this data or part of it, and the Center does not bear any responsibility towards the users of this data. And what may happen to them from damage or loss due to re-use.

Terms of Reuse

  • The user must not misrepresent this data or its source.
  • This data should not be used for political purposes, or to support illegal or criminal activity, or in racist or discriminatory comments, or incitement or negative influence on culture, equality, incitement, or any irregular activity or contrary to the customs and traditions of the Kingdom.
  • When using this data, it must be indicated that its source is (Watani Platform).
  • The source of the information that has been reused must be indicated by placing a link on a Watani platform to preserve the intellectual property of the data, its credibility, and the validity of its source.

How to refer to an open data source

The National Center for Measuring the Performance Institutions (year of publication). [Publication name] licensed under Work Attribution 3.0 International. (CC-BY)


Open data issued by Watani and published on the Saudi platform Open Data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License

Creative Commons

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