the National Center To measure public devices performance follows and applies the highest standards of information security to maintain the confidentiality, health, and availability of information. This information is available in several forms, including printed or written on paper, electronically stored, mailed, or through the use of electronic means, offers, or oral exchanges in conversations. The Center relies heavily on computer systems to preserve, process, and manage customer data and information. The Centre, therefore, ensures that they are adequately protected in accordance with security controls and optimal information security applications, regardless of the form they take, or the means they are used to share or preserve them because they are valuable assets that must be treated in any way.

The Center also considers that information and data are very important assets that must be protected to ensure reliable customer services. Therefore, the Center's management aims to protect this information and data by applying appropriate controls of the Center's systems and continuously conducting the necessary tests and monitoring to achieve the necessary protection of critical information from potential risks that may negatively affect the working mechanisms or reputation of the Center.

The National Center for Measuring the Performance of Public Agencies has also set targets to enhance information security to ensure that all services continue to be provided to beneficiaries securely, in line with the basic controls of cybersecurity (ECC-1: 2018).

Continuous improvement:

The management of the National Center for Measuring the Performance of Public Organs continuously improves the information security management system, through which the effectiveness of security controls is maintained and improved. Key performance indicators have also been developed and used to measure the effectiveness of the information security management system and its controls. The Center also conducts a review of information security management policies at least annually or when significant changes occur to ensure the adequacy, efficiency, effectiveness, and development of frameworks in line with regulations and legislation such as basic cybersecurity controls (ECC-1: 2018).

In case of any queries about the information security strategy, you can contact Watani platform via the communication channels page.

Relevant legislation: